The Loss of -k in Checked Syllables and the Phonological Changes This Induces in Zhao'an Hakka
Tsao, Feng-fu; Yeh, Jui-chuan
Journal article
Language And Linguistics, Volume 7, Issue 2 (2006-04). pp. 435-454.
This paper concerns two questions regarding the loss of-k in checked syllables in Zhao'an Hakka: (1) What kinds of phonological changes will be induced by such a loss? & (2) what are the possible causes? To answer the first question, we propose that three major, distinct tonal features - tonal value, tonal pattern, & tonal length - play crucial roles in determining tonal change in Chinese dialects. It is through the interaction of these three features in the system that we are able to give a satisfactory explanation of the tonal developments that have occurred after the loss of the final -k in the dialect under consideration. To answer the second question, we suggest that the loss of -k, in fact, reflects the influence of a Hmongic substratum. This is a clear case of language contact constituting a very important factor in phonological change. 14 Tables, 45 References. Adapted from the source document