Shiota, Noriko K.; Krauss, Steven S.; Clark, Lee Anna; Han, Kyunghee; Et Al
Butcher, James N.
Book section
University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN, 1996.
[book section covering several chapters] "Adaptation and Validation of the Japanese MMPI-2" / Noriko K. Shiota, Steven S. Krauss and Lee Ann Clark "The Korean MMPI-2" / Kyunghee Han "The Chinese MMPI-2: Research and Applications in Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China" / Fanny M. Cheung, Weizheng Song and Jianxin Zhang "Use of the MMPI-2 in Thailand" / La-Or Pongpanich "Vietnamese Translation and Adaptation of the MMPI-2" / Bao-Chi Nguyen Tran "Development of a Hmong Translation of the MMPI-2" / Amos S. Deinard, James N. Butcher, Umeng D. Thao, Song Houa Moua Vang and Kaying Hang "Asian American and White College Students' Performance on the MMPI-2" / Stanley Sue, Keunho Keefe, Kana Enomoto, Ramani S. Durvasula and Ruth Chao survey . . . international applications of the MMPI-2 with an exploration of Asian and Southeast Asian research programs (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved) (Source: book)