A Semantic Analysis of the So-Called Passive Verbs in Some Indochinese Languages
Nomura, Naomitsu Mikami
Journal article
Mon-khmer Studies, Volume 21, (1992). pp. 91-106.
A cross-linguistic comparison of the semantics & usage of the passive verb forms of V1 in the construction NP1 + V1 + NP2 + V2 in Khmer, Thai, Lao, Vietnamese, & White Hmong (WH) is presented. In all these languages - except Vietnamese - V1 exhibits the basic semantics of 'physical contact', 'conformity', & 'passivity'. It is argued that the two latter properties are derivations from the first. The productivity of the meaning of passive is different in each. Thai, Lao, Vietnamese, & Khmer forms have developed the meanings of 'obligation' & 'certainty'. Khmer distinguishes itself by having all of the meanings present. 13 References. S. Vasina