An acoustic analysis of selected White Hmong consonants is argued to show that the phonological syllable structure of this language is simply consonant + vowel, despite a rich inventory of 57 onset consonants, 13 vowels, & seven tones. Prenasalized stop segments are found to be voiceless during closure, & the seemingly anomalous segments noted as /d/ & /dh/ are realized as a period of prevoicing followed by voicelessness during closure; White Hmong is held to linearize segmental features that are realized simultaneously in languages like English. Both plain & prenasalized stops may be aspirated or unaspirated, as a fundamental opposition based on the binary [spread glottis] feature accounts for stop aspiration (manifested by voice onset delay following the stop burst), phonetically voiceless fricatives, & a voiceless sonorant series. 9 Figures, 17 References. J. Hitchcock