Adaptation and Adjustment Problems among Indochinese Refugees
Jones, Woodrow, Jr; Strand, Paul
Journal article
Sociology And Social Research, Volume 71, Issue 1 (1986-10). pp. 42-46.
An examination of the resettlement experience of Indochinese refugees in the US, based on interviews conducted with refugee heads of households (N = 800) randomly selected from the telephone directory in San Diego County, Calif. The demographic profile of the sample shows characteristics dissimilar from earlier immigrant groups; the Indochinese refugees are younger (average age 37) & married, & most earn incomes below poverty level. In addition to lack of English language skills, separation from families, & war memories, Rs cited lack of job skills & money, child care, & transportation problems; resettlement efforts were perceived as inadequate. Regression analysis shows that the Hmong are less capable of understanding US ways than the Vietnamese, Laotians, or Cambodians; education & length of residence are found to have little significance. It is concluded that the findings in general indicate readjustment & adaptation problems among Indochinese groups. 5 Tables, 18 References. Modified HA