Language Acquisition among Southeast Asian Refugees in the United States.
Goza, Franklin
Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education, 1990.
A study examined national data on the English language proficiency of Southeast Asian refugees at the time of their arrival (after 1975) in the United States and again in 1983. Information from an annual refugee survey was also used. Comparisons were made for: (1) different ethnic groups (Vietnamese, Chinese, Hmong, Khmer, Lao, and other) and gender subgroups; (2) refugees having American family, congregational, relative, ethnic non-relative, or other specific sponsorship in the United States; (3) region of residence; and (4) attendance in U.S. schools. A table indicates the 1983 percentages of each ethnic group's gender subgroup speaking English at each of four proficiency levels, and the mean proficiency level for each subgroup. Results show that while linguistic acculturation occurred for all refugee subgroups, the rate varied considerably by subgroup and may peak at lower levels for some. Refugees with American family sponsors demonstrated the highest rate of acquisition, and higher improvement rates were found among individuals with some U.S. schooling. It is concluded that various social factors were related to English language improvement among refugees. A 13-item bibliography is included. (MSE)