[Pathology of migrants: paragonimiasis (or pulmonary distomatosis)]
Fauveau, V.
Journal article
Bulletin De La Societe De Pathologie Exotique Et De Ses Filiales, Volume 74, Issue 1 (1981-02). pp. 84-91.
Three cases diagnosed and treated in Hmong Laotian refugees in Thailand are presented; one can expect to see more cases in western countries with the influx of south east Asian refugees. The symptoms are the ones of a chronic pulmonary tuberculosis. The origin of the patients must lead to a suspicion (mainly Laotian Hill tribes). Direct microscopic examination of th sputum reveals easily the eggs of the parasite. Radiologic signs are not specific. The Niclofolan (Bayer) is the ultimate progress in the treatment at a single dose of 2 mg per kilo body weight, its efficiency is much superior to the classic treatments (Emetin, Chloroquin, Bithionol), except in some pleural forms.