Hmong Names: Change and Variation in a Bilingual Context
Downing, Bruce T.; Fuller, Judith Wheaton
Journal article
Minnesota Papers In Linguistics And Philosophy Of Language, Volume 10, Issue Apr (1985-04). pp. 39-50.
Paper presented at the Minnesota Regional Conference on Language and Linguistics, 11-12 May 1984. The patterns for naming & kinship identification in traditional Hmong society are described. Systematic variations in spelling & pronunciation in Hmong-Lao, Hmong-French, & Hmong-Eng bilingual contexts are examined. Traditional naming practices relate to naming of a newborn, changing of children's names, addition of an honorific, & use of clan names. Cross-cultural influences have resulted in replacement of some forms by others, increasing diversity in names, & an increase in the variety of names used by a single individual. 3 References. B. Annesser Murray