"Die Another Day": A qualitative analysis of Hmong experiences with kidney stones
Culhane-pera, Kathleen A.; Lee, Mayseng
Journal article
Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 7, (2006). pp. 1-26,29-34.
The conference participants decided that multiple studies were needed to investigate the health disparity, including genetic and metabolic studies for enzymatic deficiencies; epidemiological studies for population incidences of kidney stones and gout; clinical studies on interactions between health care providers and patients; and ethnographic studies of patients, family members, and providers' experiences. Possibilities include hiring and effectively working with Hmong bilingualbicultural workers and medical interpreters; designing and implementing educational videotapes about renal function, renal stones and urological procedures for stones in Hmong dialects; and forming alliances with Hmong primary care providers and urologists.