Young Adults in America. A Booklet for [Hmong] Refugees in Their Late Teens = Cov Tub Hluas Ntxhais Hluas Hauv Asmeslivkas.
Center For Applied Linguistics, Washington, Dc. Language And Orientation Resource Center.
HMoob and English; English; HMoob
Young persons in their late teens have problems and concerns that are different from those of persons who are younger or older. This booklet recognizes this fact and discusses some aspects of American life that might be of particular interest to young people of Hmong origin. It gives information that will be helpful in making knowledgeable decisions in the context of U.S. society and culture. The information is arranged according to the following topics: (1) laws that affect young persons; (2) various categories of relationships; (3) different possibilities of living arrangements; (4) money; (5) educational opportunities; (6) careers and jobs; (7) alcohol and drugs; (8) coping with stress; and (9) information on where to get personal help and various written materials. The guide is printed in both English and Hmong to facilitate use by Americans and Hmong young adults who may be working together. (AMH)